Two international companies expand in Aréna Corner Office Building

A multinational, leading provider of information technology, consulting and business-process outsourcing services as well as the shared service center function of an international bank continue their activities in larger offices as the two companies recently signed to expand their leases by a total of 2,350 sqm in the Aréna Corner Office Building. One of themis the first company to have acquired LEED Platinum qualification for its office premises in Arena Corner.

“We are delighted that two of our key, international tenants having very high quality requirements expand their business activity in Aréna Corner. Our aim is to provide both high quality office solutions and the services throughout our assets as part of our portfolio occupancy maximization activity throughout the Orco managed properties in  Budapest. We hope to achieve similar future results and tenant satisfaction in assets such as the V188, Paris Department Store and  Szervita office buildings, which - along with Arena Corner – remain our  focus” said Ms. Zinaida Vojnár, Leasing and Marketing Manager.

The A class building complex offers office space of 24.000 m2 and retail space of 3.500 m2 on 8 floors in 3 office towers with direct  connections to each other, with large, efficient spaces ideal, for the  operation of shared service centers.

The Aréna Corner Office Building was purchased in 2007 by the  Paris-based Orco Property Group, one of the largest investment,  development and property management companies of the Central European region, which has a significant role in the Budapest property market  with its office and hotel portfolio, as well as the incomparable Váci1  building.

Forrás: IngatlanHí

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