Gameloft has chosen RiverPark offices to open its new 550 sqm office
Gameloft’s main preferences during the searching procedure were the flexibility, high quality office space and their need to occupy the new office as soon as possible. „We are very glad, that we can welcome another international company with a very good reputation in our office building, and we hope that Gameloft will be satisfied with RiverPark officebuilding on a long term basis, like our existing tenants.” –said Kay-Uwe Blandow the general manager at IVG Hungary.
The Gameloft office rented in RiverPark gives us a great opportunity to provide a modern and inspiring working environment to our would-be employees. The building has a central location, the office has big internal spaces with a clear-out design, and we are also offered a direct view to river Danube. According to our plans, these will all contribute to the long term well-being of everybody in our game development team. - said Studio Manager Răzvan-Cătălin Dinită. Situated at the Danube at Közraktár street, RiverPark is an „A” category office development, which consists of two office buildings, and offers almost 10.000 sqm. Besides the spectacular direct river view, the property further benefits from its exclusive internal garden, roof terrace and offers the latest technical solutions for high quality office and work environment. During the transaction GVA Robertson represented the owner, whilst CBRE introduced the tenant.
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