Hungary’s Greenest Office Building Opens its Doors
The resolution of the Municipality of Budapest’s13th district (Building Division) has confirmed that Green House is compliant with all technical requirements of the respective authorities.
The first tenants (ABB and Skanska Property Hungary) moved in this week, while Isys-On will join them in January 2103, followed by Avis Budget Group in March.
Hungary’s greenest - already functional - office building is unique on the Budapest office market with its unparalleled energy-efficiency and innovative green solutions. The category ’A’, LEED Platinum pre-certified real estate is located in the area bordered by Kassák Lajos, Tüzér and Lőportár Streets, and Kassák Park. The Swedish and Hungarian architects – above and beyond incorporating the most sustainable technical solutions – also aspired to create a nice working environment that triggers creativity, and common spaces that enable collaboration.
The Green House project – similarly to Skanska’s other future developments in Budapest – fits organically with the urban development plan of the Hungarian capital and the district, as also seen at the Hungarian stand of the 2012 Expo Real in Munich. Beyond its office development, Skanska also played an important part in developing the neighboring Kassák Park, and thus contributed to a more livable urban environment. As Managing Director Grzegorz Strutynski emphasized, “the harmony of our built and natural environment is very important for us both as a developer active in the 13th district, and as a new neighbor.”
The 17,800 square meters commercial development has already been 60% pre-leased prior to completion. Currently 4,400 square meters of office space is available in the 7-floor building.
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