IT Services Hungary decided to stay at its current premises at Infopark
The infrastructure of Infopark suits the company's IT needs and the atmosphere of the park is an added value to their employees, Kata Mazsaroff, Head of Tenant representation of Colliers International informed the OGH News Agency. IT Services Hungary was represented by Colliers International during the negotiation process.
IT Services Hungary Kft. (ITSH) was established in 2006, and as a Hungarian subsidiary, is an important member of the international T-Systems network. „We are a continuously growing company and we doubled our headcount in the last 3 years. However, we still have vacancies in Budapest, Debrecen, Pécs, pursuant to our company’s philosophy, we not only offer a job, we also provide an opportunity for our future employees to gain professional experience and test their knowledge, while working in a multicultural environment.” - stated Csaba Bőthe, IT Services Hungary CEO.
"By concluding this deal we have probably just closed one of the largest office transactions of the year. We are really glad and also proud that IT Services are satisfied with Infopark. We look forward to continuously providing our largest tenant in Budapest with high quality services. In October we will celebrate the transaction together with the employees as well at the traditional Infopark Octoberfest.” - comments Kay-Uwe Blandow, managing director of IVG Hungary, asset manager of Infopark. As Kata Mazsaroff, Head of Tenant representation of Colliers International informed the OGH News Agency, ITSH leases 16 000 m2 of office area at the moment in Infopark’s buildings B and C.
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