MSX International: a New Tenant in Infopark
The list of companies present in Infopark has lengthened with yet another illustrious member: the new tenant, MSX International, occupies a 182 sq m office on the ground floor of Infopark Building B. After conclusion of the lease contract on 15th February 2012 there remained only one office premise to let in Infopark Building B. In this way the occupancy rate of Building B, a grade A office building handed over in 2002 with about 8,600 m2 to let, can soon reach 100 %, which is considered a singular achievement on the office market.
MSX International is a provider of outsourced business solutions for automotive companies. It has gained a world leader position in this special field over the years. Its clients include Ford, Nissan, General Motors, Volkswagen, Fiat. With more than 70 years of experience MSX International employs about 4,000 experts in 48 countries. Using its knowledge related to local, national and international markets it provides comprehensive business assessment and tailored efficiency improvement solutions to its clients engaged in car manufacturing, dealership, parts production or repair services, in order to „enable them to do what they do - only more effectively”, in accordance with the company’s mission.
For a company to work effectively it is also essential that associates work in a comfortable, inspiring environment equipped with the most up to date infrastructure. To this end has IVG Hungary Kft. created its best known office development, the Infopark innovation and technology park in South Buda, comprising 7 buildings. Infopark is the first innovation and technology park of Central and Eastern Europe, a progressive centre primarily for IT, telecommunication and software development businesses. The European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) is also seated here, in Infopark Building E. Nearly 100,000 m2of lettable space had been completed in the office park by 2009, offering a high standard office and working environment for about 7,000 employees. Besides rising young companies the office park has been chosen as a head office by such companies as the multinational Lufthansa Systems, Hungarian Telekom, IT‑Services Hungary, National Instruments and now MSX International, too.
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