New Isys-On Headquarters in Green House
Hungarian owned Isys-On - with a primary clientele of producers and trading companies – believes in innovation, and makes all its decisions (including their choice of a new office) with innovation in mind. The management perceives environmental protection a top priority, and an important element of their corporate social responsibility. They trust that the values of Isys-On will be shared by their employees, contributing to their efficiency and success.
Skanska Property Hungary’s Managing Director Grzegorz Strutynski welcomes the new tenants. “We are glad to see that a forward-looking IT company finds its new home in Hungary’s most future-proof building. Isys-On is joining prestigious multinational tenants in Green House who all perceive sustainability as a top priority. After ABB, AVIS and Skanska, Isys-On also seals its dedication to green living and energy efficiency. Green House’s central location will also benefit their business activities.”
During the negotiations CBRE was the exclusive lessor representative of Skanska Property Hungary.
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