Pharmaceutical ingredient-manufacturer moves to Corvin Promenade
After the processing of plasma given by the donors, medicaments are produced for the treatment of hemophiliac, immunodeficient, burnt, organ-transplanted, septic and autoimmune patients. In the selection of the office building, major aspects were the excellent location and high technical standards that Corvin Towers represents. With the relocation of the company to Corvin Promenade, the occupancy level of Corvin Towers has reached 94%.
Corvin Panoráma Tower is the gate of Corvin Promenade that provides a unique view to Buda hills. The building is visible from the Grand Boulevard – representing the artery of Budapest –, location and public transportation facilities of the office building ensure an excellent accessibility for the donors of Plazmaszolgálat. The aim of Corvin Promenade is to revitalize the architectural, social, economic and cultural life of Józsefváros in the heart of Budapest, with the help of a complex, 22 acres land development.
- Former Renault HQ turning into an innovative start-up center
- Innovatív start-up központtá alakul a Renault egykori irodaháza
- Sony expands its office space again
- Újabb bővülés a Sony-nál
- Emerson purchased 25,000 m2 production hall in Székesfehérvár
- Az Emerson gyártócsarnokot vásárolt Székesfehérváron
- Gyógyszeralapanyag-gyártó költözik a Corvin Sétányra
- New tenant in Roosevelt 7/8 Office Building
- Új bérlő a Roosevelt 7/8 Irodaházban
- Éjszaka az irodaházban