Green House Restaurant to Open in February 2013
Zöld Ház Étterem Ltd. won the tender to operate the 463 sq m restaurant on the ground floor of Green House, Hungary’s only LEED Platinum pre-certified office building in the 13th district. Doors will open on 1 February 2013.
The company has extensive experience in running canteens, with operations in other office buildings.
Managing Director Annabella Zaváczki said that the restaurant could accommodate 300 guests at a time, and they would serve diverse international food with a wide range of healthy options. Both the restaurant and the adjacent cafeteria will be open to the general public.
Skanska Property Hungary’s Managing Director Grzegorz Strutynski welcomed the new tenant in the building. “Healthy, organic dining options are also part of an all-around green work environment, and Skanska is glad to seal the cooperation with a company that pays special attention to that important aspect.”
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